Enhance Your Listening Experience with These Better Hearing Accessories

Although your hearing aids are ready to operate right out of the box after they’ve been properly fit by your hearing care provider, there are a number of assistive technology devices that you can use in conjunction with your hearing aids. Because many of these assistive technology devices operate using Bluetooth® technology, you’ll get the most out of these when you have Bluetooth hearing aids.


Assitive Listening Devices
Assistive Listening Devices

Individuals with a hearing loss sometimes have more difficulty hearing basic technology that is a part of regular daily life, like telephones ringing or alarm clocks buzzing.

Caption Call phone
Captioned Telephones

CaptionCall is a free assistive technology service that helps with landline phone conversations by clearly displaying the spoken words of the individual you’re talking to — instantly.

Cleaning and care products
Cleaning and Care

Like all technology, your hearing aids require care and maintenance. Keeping your devices clean can help prevent wear and tear, extend the life of your technology, and keep you hearing clearly.

Mobile apps
Mobile Apps

Control the functions of your devices through your iPhone, iPad®, iPod touch®, or Android.

Surflink product family

The choice of devices allows the user to decide which wireless capability they would like based on their lifestyle and activity level.

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